Cricut Joy + Cricut Joy Xtra Users
Whoohoo! Your spot is saved for the Cricut Joy Made Easy workshop!
Watch the video below to see what’s next.
Check your email
Check your inbox for the workshop details. You will see it coming from Abbi Kirsten. If you do not see an email from me after a few minutes, remember to check your promo and junk folders.
Also, please take a moment to whitelist me by adding my email ([email protected]) to your email contacts so you don’t miss any future messages that include workshop notes, replays, new projects, and freebies.
Mark your calendar
If it’s not on your calendar, it doesn’t exist! Take a moment to jot down your selected day and time of the workshop so you don’t miss out.
Click below to share and invite your friends
I’ll bet you have a crafty friend who would love to see this workshop. Sharing is caring. Take a moment to pass along your discovery of this free workshop to them, too!