How to Make a Pin for Pinterest: Easy Ways to Create Pins

Your Pinterest traffic is going to depend on how well your pins not only communicate your point but resonate with your audiences needs.

Today, I want to share not only the practical side of making a pin, but how to create a powerful pin that is evergreen to your business and constantly provides consistent traffic.

First, step back and look at the bigger picture by stepping into the shoes of your reader or buyer. This is called the, what’s in it for me theory.

WIIFM Theory

Once you’ve got ideas for your main message you need to think about what images are going to grab attention and click in the minds of your reader or buyer.

Choosing Images for Your Pins

If you are a writing a post about easily starting a blog then you might want to find some images of a person working at a computer or desk who looks at ease and happy with their job.

The most viral pins on Pinterest usually have these in their headlines:  – Strong key words in the titleNumbers or listsConveys emotional words or urgency

Magnetic Headline

The 3 pin rule is a method wherein you commit to creating a minimum of 3 pins per post. If you want to take things to the next level, make sure you are committing to at least 3 pins.

Testing and the  3 Pin Rule

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