Tips for the Perfect Crepe Paper Flowers

Today, I’m going to give you all of the secrets to the perfect Crepe Paper Flowers including a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a crepe paper rose!

You’ve got to follow directions.

Crepe paper flowers is about the direction of the grained ridges. Your petals need to be cut so the vertical ridges run parallel to the petal length.

Use high quality crepe paper!

You must have an excellent crepe paper or the other tips won't matter, plain and simple.

Less is more.

The less is more comes in specifically when cutting your petals. A good quality crepe paper is textured with a lot of vertical ridges.

Supplies for the Crepe Paper Rose:

– 6-7 small petals – 5-6 medium petals – 5-6 large petals

Once you’ve cut your petals grab 2 pieces of 18 gauge wire and wrap with corsage tape.


Do the pulling and cupping technique I mentioned earlier. Gently pull the edges inward. It will come naturally.

Grab your stem and one small petal and wrap it around the stem. This is the center of the rose.

Tap the link below to see the full instructionS.